#Dr ryder horizon eye care movie#
I would have enjoyed this movie had the whole demonic/unecessary gore element would have not existed. The first half of the movie is nothing as to what lies ahead, I am greatly dissapointed, and I don’t recommend this at all. Anyhow, an even longer scene of hell is portrayed later on,as the present crew are trying to leave but a possessed Sam Neil(Dr.Weir) won’t let them. You see them killing, disemboweling, torturing each other, its so vile,and disgusting words can’t really describe it. Unfortunately, Hollywood has gone into a medium that it shouldnt have, well,its like this: The previous crew ventured to hell(cause the ship can cross dimentions by going faster than the speed of light) and what happens to them is taped. This is the closest version yet! No lame Spawn stuff here… I mean a REAL depiction of hell. Talk about graphic depictions of hell, people. I would highly caution you if you are considering seeing “Event Horizon”. Christians are commanded to be “innocent in what is evil,” (Rom. I am ashamed that I saw this film, and even more ashamed that I didn’t get up and leave when these dreadful elements began. The mediocre science fiction elements are not worth the defilement that comes from the rest of the film. During one scene of repulsive imagery, there is also female nudity thrown in to make the perversion complete. Many are so UNSPEAKABLY GROTESQUE that it is difficult to imagine how someone could have conceived of them. I cannot stress enough that the portrayals of violence are the worst I have ever seen. The rest of the film consists almost entirely of unbelievably horrible, graphic depictions of torture, mutilation, cannibalism, dismemberment, etc. Mier becomes “possessed” by the ship and attempts to keep the crew from leaving, while they (of course) make every effort to leave. It seems to be “alive” itself and bent upon evil of the most ghastly kind.

The ship has not traveled great distances, but to another dimension. It becomes clear at this point that things are not normal aboard the Event Horizon. During the search, a shock wave set off by the magnetic core of the Event Horizon disables the Lewis and Clark forcing the entire crew to take refuge aboard the Event Horizon while repairs are being made. After making a number of incredibly gruesome discoveries, it is determined that the crew is dead. Once docked with the Event Horizon, a rescue team is sent aboard. Now that she was back, it was clear that she had not been destroyed, but that she had been somewhere. On her maiden voyage, the Event Horizon had disappeared when attempting to use a special magnetic core for the first time. In reality, the Event Horizon was the first ship ever designed that was capable of light-speed travel, by “bending” or “folding” space. The doctor proceeds to explain that they are on a mission to rescue the crew of the Event Horizon! It seems that the ship was not destroyed as had originally been proclaimed. Mier (Sam Neilson) is accompanying them as an expert consultant. The captain ( Laurence Fishburne) informs his crew that Dr. After receiving distress signals from near the planet Neptune, a top secret search and rescue mission is undertaken.Įnroute, the crew of the Lewis and Clark search and rescue ship receives their mission briefing. The story takes place in the year 2047, seven years after the unexplained disappearance of a deep space vessel known as the Event Horizon.